Chocolate coconut tart

Chocolate coconut tart


For the base, knead the flour with the margarine, cocoa and erythritol into a dough. Press it into a springform pan and bake in the oven at 18 degrees top and bottom heat for 25 minutes.

For the filling, mix coconut cream with a little coconut water and grated coconut and pour over the dough. Put in the freezer for 15 minutes.

Melt chocolate and spread over cake. Decorate with strawberries or coconut chips.


Florence Kriso

Recipe by Florence Kriso:

Instagram: @florence_ketoworld

For about 12 pieces
Ingredient Quantity
KetoFlour (Kanso) 175 g
Coconut flakes (Alnatura) 50 g
Cocoa (Baking Cocoa / Sarotti) 2 TBSP.
Erythritol (Xucker) 80 g
KetoMargarine (Kanso) 120 g
Almond milk (Rewe private label) 2 TBSP.
Coconut cream (Solid part of coconut milk/ Alnatura) 200 g
Coconut flakes (Alnatura) 50 g
KetoCacaoBar (Kanso) 200g
Nutritional values
Energy (Kcal) Protein (g) Fat (g) Carbohydrates (g) Ketogenic quotient Per
4849 52,7 431,1 98,6 2,8 : 1 12 pieces
404 4,4 35,9 8,2 2,8 : ! 1 piece

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