Lukewarm avocado tomato mushroom salad on bread

Lukewarm avocado tomato mushroom salad on bread


  • Wash the mushrooms and tomatoes. Cut the mushrooms into quarters. (If they are quite large also cut smaller).
  • Peel and finely dice the onion. Heat the keto margarine in a pan, first sweat the onions until translucent and then add the mushrooms and fry until they take on some color. Season with salt and pepper. Set aside.
  • Quarter and seed the tomato and cut the tomato flesh into small cubes.
  • Halve, pit and peel the avocado. Also cut into small cubes.
  • In a bowl, mix the mushrooms with the tomatoes and avocado, season with salt, pepper, a squeeze of lime juice and the KetoMCT Oil 77%.
  • Then arrange the salad on the bread, sprinkle with cress and a pinch of freshly ground pepper.
For 1 serving
Ingredient Quantity
KetoSlices seeds dark (Kanso) 100 g
KetoTomato (Kanso) 65 g
Avocado 100 g
Tomatoes 100 g
Mushrooms, brown 100 g
Onion 30 g
KetoMargarine (Kanso) 40 g
KetoMCT Oil 77 % (Kanso) 20 ml
Cress some
Salt, pepper some
Lime juice some
Ingredient Quantity
Nutritional values
Energy (Kcal) Protein (g) Fat (g) Carbohydrates (g) Ketogenic quotient Per
1252 20,5 118,1 14,3 3,4 : 1 1 serving

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