Cauliflower with béchamel sauce and herb crispbread

Cauliflower with béchamel sauce and herb crispbread

  • Clean the cauliflower and cut into florets. In a pot, bring salted water to a boil and cook the cauliflower until al dente. Drain the cauliflower but put a good half liter of the cauliflower water in a measuring cup.
  • In a saucepan, melt 40 g of Kanso KetoMargarine. Then add the Kanso KetoBaking Mix and whisk until smooth. Add 200 ml of cooking water and 200 ml of whipping cream. Bring to a boil while stirring constantly. Depending on how thick the sauce is, a little more cooking water is needed.
  • Season the sauce with salt, pepper and nutmeg. Then add the cauliflower to the sauce and set aside.
  • In a small pan, melt the remaining Kanso KetoMargarine and add the ground Kanso KetoCrispbread. Season with salt and pepper. Let cool a bit and then add the chopped parsley.
  • Now arrange the cauliflower.
  • Finally, add the crispy crumbs on top and taste.
For about 4 servings
Ingredient Quantity
Cauliflower 1
Kanso KetoMargarine 100 g
Kanso KetoBaking Mix 40 g
Liquid (300 ml cooking water, 200 ml whipping cream, vegan) 500 ml
Salt, pepper, nutmeg grated some
Kanso KetoCrispbread 100 g
Parsley some
Nutritional values
Energy (Kcal) Protein (g) Fat (g) Carbohydrates (g) Ketogenic quotient Per
2287 48,4 204,0 32,3 2,6 : 1 4 servings

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