Stuffed omelet with Parma ham

Stuffed omelet with Parma ham


  1. Cut the zucchini into thin strips.
  2. Whisked eggs season with salt, pepper and turmeric.
  3. Lightly fry the zucchini strips in keto margarine, pour the egg mixture over them and let them set. Cut mozzarella and tomatoes into small pieces and spread on the omelet with Parma ham, basil and arugula.
  4. Fold omelet and enjoy.

Tip: For vegetarian options, use more cheese instead of Parma ham.

For 2 servings
Ingredient Quantity
Zucchini 1 pinch
Eggs 4
Salt, pepper, turmeric, basil Somewhat
KetoMargarine 1 TBSP.
Mozzarella (Galbani) 70 g
Dried tomatoes, without oil 2-3
Parma ham 5-6 thin slices
Basil pesto (Riesa) 1 TBSP.
Arugula 1 handful
Nutritional values
Energy (Kcal) Protein (g) Fat (g) Carbohydrates (g) Ketogenic quotient Per
906,9 66,0 212,2 11,2 2,7:1 2 servings
453,5 33,0 106,1 5,6 2,7:1 1 serving

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