MCT Oil 100%

What is MCT oil? What is the advantage?

MCT is the common abbreviation for Medium Chain Triglycerides. They are oils composed of fatty acid molecules of different lengths. These fatty acid chains can be long-chain (i.e. many molecules strung together) as in olive oil, short-chain as in butter, or medium-chain (10-14 carbon atoms strung together).

Medium-chain triglycerides have the advantage that they can be absorbed and metabolized by the body particularly quickly and easily (they do not require digestive enzymes, for example). They have therefore long been used in the diets of very weak patients, but also in baby nutrition.

Another advantage, however, is that these MCT oils are converted into ketone bodies very quickly in the liver and thus function as real ketosis boosters.


What was MCT oil developed for?

MCT oils were developed in the 1950s for use in clinical nutrition and used in critically ill patients because they can be absorbed more quickly and easily by the body than other fats.

MCT oils are also provided to premature babies to relieve the digestive system, which is often not yet fully developed.


Positive double effect: MCT + Ketogenic diet


Especially when starting the Ketogenic diet, it is a challenge for many to create endogenous ketone bodies.

MCT oils help to quickly create these ketone bodies, providing the body with energy and power while maintaining good satiety. 

Without the combination of keto nutrition and MCT oil, the ketone level in the blood would not rise as high when consuming MCT oil alone - the invigorating and dynamizing effect would not be present.


Coconut oil vs. MCT oil

Coconut oil is the natural basis of MCT oil and consists of many different fatty acid chains of varying lengths. Also from coconut oil can be formed wonderfully by the liver ketone bodies - but slower than from MCT oil.

With coconut oil, the ketone value in the blood rises more slowly - but stays "up" longer. With MCT oil, the value rises faster and higher, but also falls again more quickly.

Personally, I always recommend a combination of both oils to gain a lasting and constant supply of ketone bodies.


Taste and smell

MCT oils are an extract of coconut and palm kernel oil - the taste and odor substances of these fats are therefore no longer present.

MCT oils are mostly colorless to slightly yellowish, tasteless and odorless and more "liquid" in consistency than normal vegetable oils.



Possible applications of MCT oils:

MCT oils can be used in many ways: either pure in soups or drinks (coffee, for example), or as a base for salad dressings and mayonnaise, to liven up sauces, in creams and shakes, spreads, drizzled over finished dishes, but also baked into keto cakes and breads.

If necessary, this odorless and tasteless oil can also be eaten pure: you will notice an "energy kick" within ½ - 1h.


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